Frequently Asked Questions and Answers found in Halacha

Rabbi Akiva Moshe Silver

Is it permissible to eat in the Sukkah and read a book placed outside the Sukkah at the same time?

One must discuss what was decreed (Sukkah 3:1) for the one who eats in a large sukkah and sent inside the house. in the shalchan, but he holds his food in his hand, and in the Mishnab [Sheha'c 3. Takkal 27] it means that he followed the halacha in which he did not rule, lest he should continue after our shalchan (I. Sukkah 3 1a), I will give it to him as if he had nothing to do with the shalchan at all This, which does not turn out to be one of the obligations of Sukkah to eat on the Sukkah, exactly, and what if he had nice dishes and proper couches above them for the Sukkah (Sukkah 20b) is not one of the obligations of Sukkah to be delayed, and "the actual Shalan is not to delay that there is a Shalan in the Sukkah while eating, A" 3 Damsad Shifra Dasukah Kilal (i.e. Rashi Sukkah 2) it is proper to shalchan in their eyes, MM is the fences of a yeshiva sukkah 2b' worthy of a dwelling and he is a yodor as he wills, and like what Damari' (2. 1) in the matter of partitions of Iron that does not disqualify the Sukkah AAG Daina Diret Arai, is worthy of the Arai in their eyes.

And also we see in the Shear HaZion a name that is taken to the main point and that the words of the Ramban emphasize that it is not a miri in the 23rd but a miri in the Sukkah that does not have a lesson to insert a shalchan in it (i.e. 69).

(And in the Mishnav it is mentioned in the Mishnav to put a taph in the shalhan into the Sukkah Afi' while sleeping, but its foundation is from the state, not at all, and even in the Mishnav it is not for delay, etc.).

But one should look at the one who eats with his hand but reads and consults the book while eating, and the book is placed on the table, whether in the 23rd I say, lest it be followed by our table or not.

And it seems that lest he should continue with the meal, as Damari', K. 33, lest he should continue with regard to a small meal before the minach, and with regard to reading in the book of AJ Delgavi before the Ma'ariv prayer, we find in the rulings that forbade lest he should continue, that is, on the part of the time, lest he should continue with his study and not stop his study, we mean to continue for an additional time In an existing situation, but for our purposes we have not heard any suggestion that it should be continued on reading a book, and in fact he is in the middle of a meal and is obligated on the other hand to be in the sukkah. every moment obliged In the sukkah, and in some places it means not like that, but only if it is required of him by the leadership to go forward from the law], in any case, in the matter of the meal, it is possible to waive his ruling lest it continue since the table is not used for food.

And who is it that there is no reason to say dela Plug and as long as the table is used for his consumption while eating, it has already been ruled that he may use the table for his food and then continue after we have sent more than the sukkah, and he will not use it.

מק"ט התשובה הוא: 3869 והקישור הישיר של התשובה הוא:

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