Frequently Asked Questions and Answers found in Halacha

Rabbi Akiva Moshe Silver

He lit candles and saw that he took his friend's candles, what is his judgment?

A. in the 20th century that he can use his friend's water for Shacharit's neti if he gives him other water, and even though there he cannot go to fill it because he does not go to the DA, MM also here his friend gives him the right to use it if he returns it to him, as The rulings on the use of mitzvos in a way that is not harmful, and the Shachak considers a model that is not in the mitzvot, and even though there is a difference regarding the words of Hul Katsah 8, however, for our matter we must learn from the words of the Mishnab as above, and even what they made worse in the books is because it is harmful, and in temporary use In the books they took the precaution that there is no strictness.

And as for if he doesn't pay and the mistake was that he thought it was his, then in that way it is a mitzvah following an inadvertent offense that he did not do his duty.

מק"ט התשובה הוא: 4173 והקישור הישיר של התשובה הוא:

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